Tylsät yrityksen liekinheittimet osoittautuivat a

Kun Elon Musk ilmoitti vuonna 2018 myyvänsä merkkisiä liekinheittimiä kerätäkseen rahaa tylsälle yritykselle- hänen tunnelointiliiketoimintaansa- me- me


että hän oli "nostanut myynninedistämismainonnan baarin ikuisesti."Flamethrowers - keksiä merkkinä" ei liekinheittimet "tullikysymysten välttämiseksi - palautettiin 500 dollarilla.Musk myi heistä 20 000- mikä tuotti siisti 10 miljoonaa dollaria.Lisäksi he tuottivat massiivista julkisuutta.Tarina oli kaikkialla.

Sen jälkeen kun Musk- nyt maailman rikkain henkilö- on vain vahvistanut maineensa myynninedistämismarkkinoinnin päällikkönä.Lähes kaikki merkkiset tavarat hänen eri yrityksilleen -





Tylsä yritys

- on ollut osuma. Sometimes- Musk merely has to

vitsi merkkituotteista

Sillä olisi valtavia myynninedistämisvaikutuksia. Other times- his joke products

kehittyä todellisiksi tuotteiksi

- willed into reality by their own hype.

Tylsä yritys flamethrowers- though- remain Musk's Sistine Chapel- his Symphony No.9 - myynninedistämismarkkinoinnin mestariteos. And yet- to the surprise of absolutely no one- the flamethrowers have been a disaster for everyone but Musk.




Yes- the fully functioning flamethrower—made available to the general public with no required background checks or training- and renamed specifically to circumvent customs issues—has become a massive legal liability for its owners. The TechCrunch story opens with the account of Max Craddock- an American who for some reason brought his Boring Company flamethrower on a trip to Italy- where he was arrested and detained after trying to board a party bus with it-

Craddock spent a week in prison before he was let go- minus his flamethrower. Elsewhere- the flamethrowers keep getting seized by law enforcement.

In one instance reported by TechCrunch- police charged a passenger in a car stopped for a missing inspection sticker with carrying a dangerous weapon after they saw his Boring Company flamethrower sticking out from underneath a seat. In another- FBI agents seized one while searching the home of a man who was indicted on charges of "conspiracy to riot and cause civil disorder- and conspiracy to use fire to commit a felony."

Here's one the NYPD's Emergency Service Unit seized in early 2020-

Liekinheittimet ovat kiinnittäneet myös lainvalvojien huomion. In 2019- a New York State Senator introduced a bill that would make it a felony to possess a Boring Company flamethrower. In December 2020- it

Edistynyt sääntökomiteaan


“Elon Musk’s Boring Company released a new flamethrower which sold out of all 20-000 within days- without any concern to the training of the purchasers or their reasons for buying-" New York lawmakers said-

CNBC: n mukaan

."Annetaan suurelle yleisölle mahdollisuuden käyttää tällaista konetta on erittäin ongelmallista. These dangerous devices should not be sold to civilians- and use needs to be restricted to trained professionals."

In that same article- CNBC spoke to Quinn Whitehead- owner of Throwflame- a website that sells flamethrowers. Whitehead was dismissive of New York's efforts to criminalize the Boring Company version- saying it "isn’t actually a real flamethrower" but rather "just a roofing torch in an airsoft gun shell." This is a familiar refrain among Musk defenders elsewhere on the internet.

Muskin ei ole vielä punnittava TechCrunchin raporttia. But- if he does- we can expect his response to be characteristically flippant and- most likely- delivered via Twitter. When the flamethrowers first launched in 2018- Musk posted a video of himself holding one- with the following caption- “I want to be clear that a flamethrower is a super terrible idea.Ehdottomasti älä osta yhtä.Ellet pidä hauskaa."

The irony here is that- for as predictably terrible an idea a branded flamethrower ended up being for the people who bought one- it's been a promotional gift that keeps on giving for Musk. Here we are- almost three years after the launch- talking about Boring Company flamethrowers once again.Ei ole väliä, että se ei ole hyvä julkisuus. Musk has proven time and again that he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him- so long as his fanbase remains loyal.

Pieni liekinheittimeen liittyvä draama ei todennäköisesti muuta kenenkään mieltä.Varsinkin kun se ei ole "liekinheitin" aluksi.